Everybody longs for that healthy glow, for sparkling eyes and shiny hair that bounces with every step. Millions of dollars are spent every year in beauty products to make skin that much clearer, wrinkles that less visible and lips pout that much more.
And while there are cosmetics that do work, you shouldn’t underestimate the value of natural beauty products. Remedies that are available with nature. They’re easy to find, won’t put a hole in your pocket, and don’t have a trace of any harmful chemicals. Read on to see what gifts from nature can enable you to have the most beautiful full bouncy hair - DANDRUFF FREE!
Disclaimer; there is some very powerful recipes,. that one you've tried, may just change your life and beauty routine forever!

- Lemon juice: Lemon juice when used on your hair is an effective treatment for dandruff. Its citrus property cleanses the hair. Squeeze a lemon onto your hair and massage into the scalp, and then wash it out using water and your preferred shampoo.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is used
in several parts of the world as an aid to beautiful hair. It has enriching vitamins and nutrients that help your hair to grow long and lustrous. In addition, it also combats dandruff.
- Vinegar:Vinegar is great to add some bounce and vitality into dull and lifeless hair. Mix a little vinegar into warm water, and then rinse your hair with the solution. Your hair will look revitalized.
It is currently theorized that one of the main causes of dandruff is a breakdown of the scalp's natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to an inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate, which in turn slough off in sticky patches and flakes.
The condition is identified by:
White or clear flakes on the scalp, through the hair, and on clothing.
Itchy scalp which may be red and inflamed.
Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits haven’t changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production.
Stress, poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections.
The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.
There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff.
Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.
Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your hair daily until the infection is cleared up.
Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin.
Strengthen Stimulate and Grow your hair by trying our gorgeous smelling shampoo soap. Made with Patchouli and mustard to oil to stimulate the hair follicles and encourage new hair growth.This shampoo bar is magic! it is because in addition to washing your hair delicately, without attacking it, it brings together the most beautiful Ayurvedic powders that stimulate their growth, strengthen them and bring them shine. But that's not all ! The Patchouli present in the recipe also helps fight against hair loss and stimulates hair growth. For healthy, glowing hair, gently rub your solid shampoo into wet hair, massage into hair, then rinse.
Simple but Important Tips!
- Massage: Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes.
- Brushing: Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin flakes, increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft, and increase blood supply to the hair follicles.
Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair: Fungal infections of the skin are highly contagious, and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it is important to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes, so that healthy areas of the scalp will not be infected.Washing your hands after brushing, massaging and grooming your hair will also help prevent reinfection or cross infection.
Natural Internal Treatments for Dandruff
Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl Sulfate, Gynema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of blood sugar levels. They can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels normalized.
Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.
Natural External Treatments for Dandruff
The following herbs can be used as a tonic for reducing fungal infections on a topical basis. Extracts of these herbs or a several drops of their essential oils dissolved in aloe vera gel or witch hazel can greatly relieve the symptoms of itching and flaking in dandruff. Tea tree oil is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections.
Clary Sage
Desert Sage
Ginkgo Biloba
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grape Seed Extract
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Poke Root
Tea Tree Oil