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Laser Hair Removal



Let’s talk

Hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, epilation or threading are mostly complicated and the results are short-lived. You may also experience painful hair growth and / or acne after waxing.  

Soprano laser hair removal allows long-term hair removal anywhere on the face and body. The process of removing unwanted hair with a laser  involves exposure to a laser pulse of light that destroys the hair follicle.

The Soprano laser is one of the most advanced hair removal lasers available on the market today, and its extreme popularity can be attributed to its extremely pleasant - painless treatment and successful results achieved with its application. Melanin, a pigment found in hair, attracts and absorbs energy released by a laser that passes over the treated area. Gradual and precise release of heat breaks down the structure of the hair, which will fall off after 2-3 weeks. The hair follicle loses the ability to re-stimulate hair growth, so hair growth from the treated follicle will not recur.  

Before booking an appointment, each patient receives a free consultation and laser test on a small part of the skin - "patch test", so you meet your laser specialist and try the procedure before starting treatment. During the free consultation, the treatment will be fully explained to you and you will receive expert advice on how to achieve the best results.  

Najnovija Tehnologija za Bezbolno Uklanjanje Dlačica
Deka Again koristi najmoderniju lasersku tehnologiju koja omogućava potpuno bezbolno uklanjanje dlačica. Uz naprednu tehnologiju hlađenja, svaki tretman postaje ugodan, čak i na osjetljivim područjima poput lica i bikinija.

Trajan i Dugotrajan Rezultat
Zahvaljujući Deka Again sustavu, možete uživati u trajnom uklanjanju dlačica. Nakon nekoliko tretmana, kosa ispada prirodno, a folikul postaje trajno onemogućen za rast nove dlake, ostavljajući vašu kožu glatkom i bez dlačica.

Stručnjaci na Djelu
Tretmane provode VTCT Level 5 Laser kvalificirani stručnjaci, koji imaju bogato iskustvo u primjeni napredne tehnologije. Kroz personalizirane tretmane, naši stručnjaci garantiraju najbolje rezultate za vašu kožu.

Brži i Učinkovitiji Tretmani
Zahvaljujući visokoj učinkovitosti Deka Again lasera, tretmani su brži, omogućujući vam postizanje željenih rezultata u kraćem vremenskom razdoblju, s minimalnim brojem sesija.

Your Journey to Smooth, Hair-Free Skin Starts Here

​Complete the form below to book your free consultation and see if DEKA Again is right for you.


Ekspertna usluga i vrhunski rezultati! Daniela je izuzetno profesionalna, ljubazna i pažljiva, a njezin salon nudi najbolji laser za uklanjanje dlačica – potpuno bezbolan i iznimno učinkovit! Svaki tretman je ugodan, a rezultati fantastični. Toplo preporučujem svima koji traže kvalitetu i vrhunsku njegu! ✨


Laser hair removal

Marija Gojani

Goodbye Unwanted Hair: The Ultimate Laser Hair Removal Experience with DEKA Again"

Section 1: Dynamic Hero Area

  • Background:

    • Use a high-definition video loop or dynamic parallax image showing the DEKA Again laser in action.

  • Headline:

    • "Smooth, Silky Skin Awaits You!"

  • Subheadline:

    • "Experience pain-free, permanent hair removal with the advanced DEKA Again laser."

  • Primary CTA Button:

    • [Claim Your Free Consultation Now!]

  • Secondary Elements:

    • Countdown Timer: “Limited Free Consultations – Offer Ends in [00:12:34]”

    • Trust Badges: FDA approval, clinic certifications, “As seen on…” logos.

Section 2: Why Choose DEKA Again for Hair Removal?

  • Subsection Header:

    • "Why DEKA Again?"

  • Content Layout:

    • Three-column icons with micro-copy:

      • Pain-Free & Comfortable: “DEKA Again’s technology ensures virtually no discomfort during treatment, thanks to its unique cooling system.”

      • Fast & Efficient: “Get silky smooth skin with sessions that are quick, effective, and tailored to your specific needs.”

      • Long-Lasting Results: “Enjoy permanent hair reduction after just a few sessions, with smoother skin that lasts.”

  • Visuals:

    • Use animated icons and subtle hover effects to engage visitors.

Section 3: How DEKA Again Laser Hair Removal Works

  • Subheadline:

    • "Effective, Safe, and Comfortable Hair Removal"

  • Content Layout:

    • Step-by-Step Process:

      • Step 1: Free Consultation – “Our specialists assess your skin and hair type to create a personalized treatment plan.”

      • Step 2: Treatment Session – “During each session, the DEKA Again laser targets and disables hair follicles at the root.”

      • Step 3: Long-Term Results – “After a few sessions, enjoy smoother skin with significant hair reduction and long-lasting results.”

    • Visuals:

      • Use a horizontal timeline graphic with icons for each step.

Section 4: Real Results – Testimonials & Before/After Gallery

  • Client Testimonials Carousel:

    • “DEKA Again has completely changed my skin. After just a few sessions, I noticed a significant reduction in hair and my skin feels amazing!” – Sara, 32

    • “I was hesitant about laser hair removal, but DEKA Again made the process so easy and painless!” – Mark, 29

  • Before & After Gallery:

    • Use interactive grid or slider showcasing hair removal results (arms, legs, face, etc.).

Section 5: Lead Capture – Book Your Complimentary Consultation

  • Headline:

    • "Your Journey to Smooth, Hair-Free Skin Starts Here"

  • Subheadline:

    • "Complete the form below to book your free consultation and see if DEKA Again is right for you."

  • Lead Form:

    • Fields:

      • Full Name

      • Email Address

      • Phone Number

      • Area of Interest (Body, Face, Legs, etc.)

      • Preferred Consultation Time

    • CTA Button:

      • [Book My Free Consultation!]

  • Privacy Assurance:

    • “We respect your privacy – your information is safe with us.”

Section 6: FAQs – Answering Your Hair Removal Questions

  • Accordion Style FAQ:

    • Q1: Is laser hair removal safe for my skin?

      • A: Yes! The DEKA Again laser is suitable for all skin types and offers precise, safe treatment.

    • Q2: Does it hurt?

      • A: Most clients report minimal discomfort, with a cooling sensation throughout the session for extra comfort.

    • Q3: How many sessions will I need?

      • A: Typically, 6-8 sessions are required for optimal results, depending on the area treated.

    • Q4: Will the hair grow back?

      • A: Once the hair is treated, it is permanently reduced. Some fine regrowth may occur, but it will be much finer and lighter.

  • Encourage Further Questions:

    • "Still have questions? Chat with our experts live!" (Optional live chat integration)

Section 7: Final Persuasion & Contact

  • Reiterate Value:

    • "Join the thousands who have experienced the freedom of permanent hair reduction with DEKA Again."

  • Final CTA:

    • [Book Your Free Consultation Today!]

  • Contact Information:

    • Phone: [Your Phone Number]

    • Email: [Your Email Address]

    • Address: [Your Clinic Address]

  • Social Media Links:

    • Display icons linking to your verified social profiles for added trust.

Design & Interaction Enhancements on Wix:

  • Animations & Transitions:

    • Use smooth fade-ins and scroll-triggered animations for each section.

  • Interactive Elements:

    • Hover effects on buttons and icons, before/after sliders, and accordions for FAQs.

  • Mobile-First Responsiveness:

    • Ensure that all elements, including videos and forms, display seamlessly on mobile devices.

  • A/B Testing Setup:

    • Consider running A/B tests on headlines, CTAs, and form placements to optimize conversions.

This high-converting, advanced sales funnel design is tailored to attract leads and effectively convert them into customers for DEKA Again laser hair removal. You’ll build trust, educate visitors, and encourage them to book a consultation by emphasizing the benefits, results, and the unique technology behind your services.


Pricing & Booking

Scroll down to find your desired treatment and simply click on the price to purchase

  • Laser treatment is not recommended for people with the following conditions:
    Laser treatment is not recommended for people with the following conditions: Laser treatment contraindications: pregnancy, vitiligo, diabetes, herpes, tendency to keloid scars, lupus, dehydrated skin, hyperpigmentation, active eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer or epilepsy. Certain medications and herbal therapies can cause photosensitivity, so they are also considered contraindications for laser therapy. Keep in mind that 24 hours before coming for a consultation or treatment, you must thoroughly shave the area of skin that will be treated with the laser. The skin must be completely smooth to the touch in order for the treatment to be successful.
  • How does it work?
    A gentle beam of light penetrates to the root of the hair and gradually raises the temperature in the root, which is located in the subdermal layer of the skin. The light hits the melanin in the hair, which absorbs the light energy and turns it into heat. This heating affects the follicle by destroying its hair regrowth function. The laser can only work when the hair is in the anagen phase of growth, and only 10-20% of our hairs are in that phase at the same time, so it is necessary to do several treatments.
  • How much does it cost?
    Compared to the durability of shaving, waxing or plucking procedures, Soprano Titanium Ice plus is a long-term profitable investment in terms of time and money. The cost of the treatment starts from HRK 100.00 depending on the size of the treated area, and you get an additional discount on the service package for 6 to 8 treatments. At the MediSpa beauty clinic, we guarantee the best prices for laser hair removal in Rijeka.
  • What do I have to do before coming for the treatment?
    Do not bleach the hairs or use depilatory creams at least 2-4 weeks before your first treatment and do not use them during the treatment. Stop waxing, plucking or threading at least one month before your first treatment and do not use them during the treatment. Shaving and cutting hair are the only permitted methods of hair removal You MUST shave the area to be treated 24 hours before laser treatment AHA/BHA facial and body peeling is recommended one week before and after laser treatment Do not exfoliate the area to be treated two days before and after the laser treatment Laser treatment cannot be performed if the client is tanned or has an artificial tan on the area being treated with laser. You must use the recommended SPF factor during the day on all laser-treated areas that are exposed to the sun. Do not use lotions and oils before laser treatment. We are not responsible if the treatment cannot be performed because the client has not prepared the area to be treated with the laser. The client is responsible for shaving. Always notify your laser specialist of any change in medication or medical condition before starting treatment. Make sure that the artificial tan is not on the skin, that is, that it is completely removed on the day of the treatment Always inform your laser specialist if you intend to have a tattoo or semi-permanent make-up, such as lips or eyebrows, during the treatment Do not take allergy medicine or anti-inflammatory medicine 24 hours before the treatment
  • Koliko mi je tretmana potrebno sa Soprano Titaniumom?
    Ovisno o pacijentovoj koži i tipu dlake, rezultati su obično vidljivi nakon 6 do 8 tretmana. Puno je faktora koji mogu utjecati na potreban broj tretmana, ali općenito, nakon svakog tretmana primijetit ćete trajno smanjenje u broju dlačica na tretiranom području. Obično je potrebno 6 – 8 tretmana da bi se trajno uklonilo 85% dlačica na tretiranom području, što je vidljivo šest mjeseci nakon posljednjeg tretmana. Tada biste trebali možda još nekoliko dodatnih tretmana da ih se riješite zauvijek.
  • Can Soprano Titanium be used in summer on tanned skin?
    Yes. The Soprano Titanium SHR technique targets melanin using a unique method, allowing treatments to be performed at any time of the year, even on tanned skin. Furthermore, exposure to the sun is less traumatic for the skin if the SHR treatment is followed.
  • Tko može koristiti tretman laserom?
    Laserom se mogu efikasno i sigurno tretirati svi tipovi kože, uključujući i tamnopute i preplanule puti. Tretmani su namijenjeni i muškarcima i ženama koji se žele trajno riješiti neželjene dlakavosti. Tijekom konzultacija zamolit ćemo vas da popunite zdravstveni upitnik kako bismo identificirali vaše zdravstveno stanje. Ako patite od sindroma policističnih jajnika, koji za posljedicu često ima pojačanu dlakavost, tretman može također imati dobre rezultate, ali možda će vam trebati kontinuirani tretman održavanja.
  • How does it feel during the treatment?
    Most patients agree that the Soprano Titanium Ice treatment is very pleasant, with minimal discomfort. The laser system includes advanced integrated cooling. This patented cooling technology keeps the skin at a lower temperature, thus protecting the surface of the skin and ensuring painlessness during the treatment. Our laser equipment also has a mode of operation that is completely painless and can be used even on dark skin. Our painless Soprano Titanium Ice plus hair removal laser compared to a lifetime of shaving or waxing can become a worthwhile investment of your time.
  • Is Soprano Titanium laser hair removal safe for dark skin?
    Yes. Melanin in dark skin types is exponentially more sensitive to the heat produced by the laser, Soprano Titanium's SHR method is clinically proven to be safe for dark skin types. Better than exposing hair follicles to single high energy pulses, which can cause trauma - damage to skin with increased melanin, SHR gradually heats the skin until the required energy reaches the hair follicle. Therefore, SHR is the safest laser hair removal method, even for dark-skinned patients
  • Do I need to plan time specifically for the  Soprano Titanium treatment?
    Soprano Titanium treatment is so short that you can do it during your lunch break. Another amazing advantage of the Soprano is the large applicator (4 cm – twice the size of the commonly used applicators), which means that it covers a larger area, which significantly reduces the duration of the treatment, and the entire hair removal process is more comfortable and convenient. You'll be done in half the time of any other laser hair removal treatment.
  • Hoće li dlačice ponovno narasti?
    Jednom kada je folikul dlake oštećen, iz njega više ne može rasti dlaka. Međutim, uvijek postoji nekolicina folikula koji djelomično izbjegnu utjecaj lasera tijekom tretmana. Neki od njih mogu biti samo djelomično oštećeni, pa ih je potrebno ponovno tretirati. U MediSpa klinici za kožu garantiramo 50% popusta na bilo koji dopunski tretman ako vam on zatreba u budućnosti.
  • How different is Soprano Titanium from other laser treatments on the market?
    With 3D simultaneous testing of the three most effective laser wavelengths used for hair removal (755 nm, 810 nm and 1,064 nm), which are already presented in the Platinum version, Titanium comes with Quattro TM, an extra large application point covers a huge working area of 600-900 cm2, shortening the treatment time by 40%! The unique ICE technology patented for Soprano Ice and Platinum versions, has been upgraded for Soprano Titanium Ice Plus – the most advanced cooling system, which combines TEC and Inverter cooling technologies to offer a flawless experience for the patient. Soprano Titanium's superior features are enhanced with a dual port, allowing the consecutive use of two separate applicators, which simplifies and shortens treatment time. Like previous versions of the Soprano, the Soprano Titanium SHR function, which is a revolutionary Inmotionä technology, ensures complete coverage, while the Ice Plus technology cools the surface of the skin, preventing superficial burns, thus enabling painless and highly effective hair removal. With Soprano Titanium, there are no painful experiences associated with classic laser hair removal, which uses a multi-pulse mode of operation, in which the laser head is placed on one part of the skin, where it emits a pulse of light. The pain associated with the traditional LHR method comes from the enormous amount of energy released with a single laser pulse. Soprano Titanium is different and far more advanced for many reasons: SHR mode low fluence 10 pulses per second In motion" application in motion gradual increase in follicle temperature to 4550 C° contact cooling, which protects the epidermis
  • Is Soprano Titanium Ice laser hair removal safe?
    Laser hair removal is the best-known and most researched application of lasers in the aesthetic-medical industry. Since Soprano Titanium was officially recognized by the FDA in 2005, thousands of patients around the world got rid of hair permanently in a safe and successful way. Soprano Titanium puts safety first. Soprano includes SHR technology, the only clinically proven method of painless laser hair removal and the safest for different skin types, including dark skin. Its unique method of gradual heating and single pulse mode effectively disables the hair follicle, thus preventing further growth, while simultaneously preventing damage to the surrounding tissue. This treatment can be performed at any time of the year, it is safe for tanned skin, because exposure to the sun leaves no traces after the treatment.
  • Why do I need a treatment cycle?
    The treatment is done in a cycle because the laser acts only on the hairs that are in the growth phase - the so-called. anagen phase. The laser does not affect the other two phases of hair growth - called the catagen and telogen phases, which means that the hair is resting or falling out. Since body hair is in different stages of growth, several treatments spread over weeks are needed to ensure that the laser "catch" each hair in its growth stage.
  • Does the laser hurt?
    Using the unique In Motion technology and the patented Ice Plus Sapphire cooling method, the surface of your skin remains cool, so the treatment is pleasant. The laser is in constant motion, which makes it possible to treat a larger area, faster and easier than ever before. Thanks to the technique of rapid movement over the treated area, Soprano Titanium is painless and fast, discomfort is reduced, and skipping of the area is eliminated, which is not the case with other types of laser. The entire procedure will be explained to you by our professional staff, who will also answer any questions.
  • How many treatments do I need?
    The number of treatments you will need depends on the area to be treated, how thick and strong the hair is and what your skin type is - which varies from person to person. You will need at least six to eight treatments, which again depends on the frequency of your visits. Of course, strong hair, such as on a man's chest, will take longer than thinner hair, but you will already know what to expect during a consultation with a laser specialist.
  • Is laser treatment safe?
    Laser treatments have been clinically tested, approved by the FDA and subjected to rigorous testing, all in order to confirm safety and effectiveness for the patient. We take the client's satisfaction and safety very seriously, which is why our laser specialists undergo special training to perform the treatment and we use only the highest quality medical lasers. Before starting the treatment, each client undergoes a consultation and is given a test, which shows in three days whether the procedure is safe for his skin. If you have started the treatments, and you happen to go on vacation during its duration, a new test will be done upon your return, in order to make sure that the treatment is safe and that there is no risk of increased pigmentation.

Pionirska 48, Kantrida, Rijeka, 51000


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