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professional skin services

Whether you need a quick pick-me-up or a more in-depth treatment, Dermalogicas professional skin services are completely tailored to your skins needs.

Compared to your typical facial, the Dermalogica Pro Skin treatment delivers so much more! Tailored to your skin’s needs on the day, your skin therapist will design your treatment to target your main skin concerns and include wellness touches to aid in relaxation and stress relief. Enhanced technologies such as microcurrent, ultrasonic and LED light therapy may be included alongside professional-grade formulas to deliver superior skin results. You will be left with radiant, glowing skin and feeling incredibly relaxed.

Pro Skin 30

U usporedbi s vašom tipičnom njegom lica, Dermalogica Pro Skin tretman pruža puno više! Prilagođen dnevnim potrebama vaše kože, vaš terapeut za kožu osmislit će vaš tretman koji će ciljati na vaše glavne probleme s kožom i uključiti wellness dodire koji će vam pomoći u opuštanju i oslobađanju od stresa. Poboljšane tehnologije poput mikrostrujne, ultrazvučne i LED svjetlosne terapije mogu se uključiti uz profesionalne formule za postizanje vrhunskih rezultata kože. Ostat ćete s blistavom, blistavom kožom i osjećat ćete se nevjerojatno opušteno.

Compared to your typical facial, the Dermalogica Pro Skin treatment delivers so much more! Tailored to your skin’s needs on the day, your skin therapist will design your treatment to target your main skin concerns and include wellness touches to aid in relaxation and stress relief. Enhanced technologies such as microcurrent, ultrasonic and LED light therapy may be included alongside professional-grade formulas to deliver superior skin results. You will be left with radiant, glowing skin and feeling incredibly relaxed. Our ultimate 60 minute treatment is customised to target all of your skin needs and to leave your skin radiant and glowing.
(1 hour treatment)

Pro Skin 60

U usporedbi s vašom tipičnom njegom lica, Dermalogica Pro Skin tretman pruža puno više! Prilagođen dnevnim potrebama vaše kože, vaš terapeut za kožu osmislit će vaš tretman koji će ciljati na vaše glavne probleme s kožom i uključiti wellness dodire koji će vam pomoći u opuštanju i oslobađanju od stresa. Poboljšane tehnologije poput mikrostrujne, ultrazvučne i LED svjetlosne terapije mogu se uključiti uz profesionalne formule za postizanje vrhunskih rezultata kože. Ostat ćete s blistavom, blistavom kožom i osjećat ćete se nevjerojatno opušteno. Naš ultimativni tretman od 60 minuta prilagođen je svim potrebama vaše kože i ostavlja vašu kožu blistavom i sjajnom.
(1 sat tretmana)

Our NEW bespoke and tailored service, Pro Microneedling offers a clinically tested protocol which addresses dull skin, refines pores, targets hyperpigmentation, and softens fine lines and wrinkles. This micro-injury service is used alongside our NEW professional only formula, Pro Restore which you’ll be given as part of your after care. This Pro formula helps strengthen the skin, reduce downtime, and amplify your results. Microneedling the Dermalogica way includes a unique combination of chemical peeling and an exclusive technique for more effective and dramatic results.

Pro microneedling

Naša NOVA prilagođena i prilagođena usluga, Pro Microneedling, nudi klinički ispitan protokol koji se odnosi na kožu bez sjaja, pročišćava pore, cilja na hiperpigmentaciju i omekšava fine linije i bore. Ova usluga za mikroozljede koristi se uz našu NOVU profesionalnu formulu, Pro Restore, koju ćete dobiti kao dio njege nakon tretmana. Ova Pro formula pomaže u jačanju kože, smanjuje vrijeme zastoja i pojačava vaše rezultate. Microneedling na način Dermalogica uključuje jedinstvenu kombinaciju kemijskog pilinga i ekskluzivne tehnike za učinkovitije i dramatičnije rezultate.

Experience peeling the Dermalogica way! A powerful skin resurfacing treatment to target skin texture, tone, wrinkles, and breakouts. Your Dermalogica expert will tailor the peel to suit your skin with a unique peeling system comprising of three different acids including Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid. Unlike your typical chemical peel with a one size fits all approach, our peeling system can be mixed and layered for exceptional results.

Pro Power Peel 30

Iskusite piling na Dermalogica način! Snažan tretman obnavljanja površine kože usmjeren na teksturu kože, tonus, bore i akne. Vaš Dermalogica stručnjak će prilagoditi piling vašoj koži s jedinstvenim sustavom pilinga koji se sastoji od tri različite kiseline uključujući mliječnu kiselinu, salicilnu kiselinu i glikolnu kiselinu. Za razliku od vašeg tipičnog kemijskog pilinga s jedinstvenim pristupom, naš sustav pilinga može se miješati i slojevito za iznimne rezultate.

Experience peeling the Dermalogica way! A powerful skin resurfacing treatment to target skin texture, tone, wrinkles, and breakouts. Your Dermalogica expert will tailor the peel to suit your skin with a unique peeling system comprising of three different acids including Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid. Unlike your typical chemical peel with a one size fits all approach, our peeling system can be mixed and layered for exceptional results.

Pro Power Peel 60

Iskusite piling na Dermalogica način! Snažan tretman obnavljanja površine kože usmjeren na teksturu kože, tonus, bore i akne. Vaš Dermalogica stručnjak će prilagoditi piling vašoj koži s jedinstvenim sustavom pilinga koji se sastoji od tri različite kiseline uključujući mliječnu kiselinu, salicilnu kiselinu i glikolnu kiselinu. Za razliku od vašeg tipičnog kemijskog pilinga s jedinstvenim pristupom, naš sustav pilinga može se miješati i slojevito za iznimne rezultate.

Fade dark spots and reveal brighter skin. This high-intensity treatment combines a brightening peel with an electric infusion of professional-grade Vitamin C, Niacinamide and Hexylresorcinol - addressing all pigmentation concerns.

Pro bright

Izblijedite tamne mrlje i otkrijte svjetliju kožu. Ovaj tretman visokog intenziteta kombinira posvjetljujući piling s električnom infuzijom profesionalnog vitamina C, niacinamida i heksilresorcinola - rješavajući sve probleme pigmentacije.

Soothe and strengthen sensitive skin. Soothing botanical actives provide relief while lymphatic drainage and pressure point massage help calm a stressed nervous system. This targeted treatment helps hydrate, balance and restore the skin barrier for reduced sensitivity and calmer skin.

Pro Calm

Umiruje i jača osjetljivu kožu. Umirujuće biljne tvari pružaju olakšanje, dok limfna drenaža i masaža točaka pritiska pomažu smiriti živčani sustav pod stresom. Ovaj ciljani tretman pomaže hidratizirati, uravnotežiti i obnoviti kožnu barijeru za smanjenu osjetljivost i mirniju kožu.

A comprehensive facial workout including the neck. Includes a firming and toning facia massage or Gua Sha touch therapy to revive the skin. Firming techniques are combined with retexturing and replenishing actives for visibly tighter skin.

Pro Firm

Sveobuhvatan trening lica uključujući i vrat. Uključuje učvršćujuću i tonizirajuću masažu lica ili Gua Sha terapiju dodirom za oživljavanje kože. Tehnike učvršćivanja kombinirane su s aktivnim sastojcima za ponovno teksturiranje i obnovu za vidljivo zategnutiju kožu.

Your journey towards clear skin starts here. Pore softening techniques, extractions and anti-bacterial, microbiome-balancing actives work together to clear and calm congested breakout-prone skin.

Pro Clear

Vaše putovanje prema čistoj koži počinje ovdje. Tehnike omekšavanja pora, ekstrakcije i antibakterijski aktivni sastojci koji balansiraju mikrobiom djeluju zajedno kako bi očistili i umirili zagušenu kožu sklonu pucanju.

Did you know due to your male dominant hormones such as testosterone, your skin is up to 25% thicker than a woman's and has a higher collagen density. Your skin tends to produce more oil and have a thicker texture, which might be why you get that oily shine and the occasional congestion or breakouts.

Yes your skin might be more resilient and interestingly more hydrated than a woman's but you might not always take the best care of your largest organ leaving you open to premature skin ageing and damage and lets not forget about the harm caused by shaving.

So what can we do about this? Solution Dermalogica Facials for men!

Pro Muški

Jeste li znali zbog vaših muških dominantnih hormona poput testosterona, vaša koža je do 25% deblja od ženske kože i ima veću gustoću kolagena. Vaša koža ima tendenciju da proizvodi više masnoće i ima gušću teksturu, što bi mogao biti razlog zašto dobivate taj masni sjaj i povremene zagušenja ili izbočine.

Da, vaša koža može biti otpornija i zanimljivo hidratiziranija od ženske, ali možda nećete uvijek najbolje brinuti o svom najvećem organu, ostavljajući vas otvorenim za prerano starenje kože i oštećenja te ne zaboravite na štetu koju uzrokuje brijanje.

Dakle, što možemo učiniti u vezi s tim? Rješenje Dermalogica Facials za muškarce!


What is a galvanic facial?

A galvanic facial uses direct electrical current to introduce water-soluble substances into the surface of the skin.  This helps to improve absorption and is obviously therefore great for dry or dehydrated skin. However, it can also help people with oily skin, as it removes congestion by reducing oil content and preventing acne breakouts. In turn, galvanic currents boost the effectiveness of most any skin treatment. It can be a great anti-aging treatment.

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