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Discover Natural Beauty with 3JUVE®

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3 rejuvenation technologies for 3 main facial problems...

3JUVE® allows you to create a treatment regimen tailored to each patient, based on the condition of their skin and its signs of aging. Using variations of the following 3 technologies, you can ensure that your patient has an ongoing regimen that best suits their individual requirements…

1.  Resurfacing | Fine lines and wrinkles

Resurface is the first and most powerful of the 3 technologies used. Ciacting on the dermis (second layer of the skin), Resurface causes dramatic skin renewal and retextures the skin's surface. This helps smooth out any unevenness, leading to a 'silky' soft skin texture. In addition to skin renewal, Resurface will help lay down collagen fibers to dramatically reduce even static lines and wrinkles, deep acne scars and stretch marks.

2. Rebright | Veins and pigmentation

As we all know, skin aging is not only about the lines and wrinkles we develop as we age, but also the noticeable change in our skin color caused by various factors, such as sun damage (pigmentation/sun spots), vascular breakouts and areas of redness (most people get it around the nose/cheeks as they age), nutrition, health and so on. Rebright technology selectively heats and destroys these chromophores to deliver a flawless "airbrushed-like" look.

Resurface is the first and most powerful of the 3 technologies used. By targeting the dermis (the second layer of the skin), Resurface causes dramatic skin renewal and retextures the skin's surface. This helps smooth out any unevenness, leading to a 'silky' soft skin texture. In addition to skin renewal, Resurface will help lay down collagen fibers to dramatically reduce even static lines and wrinkles, deep acne scars and stretch marks.

3. Redo | Tightening and lifting

Gravity has an extremely damaging effect on your skin over time. Loss of firmness and sagging around the eyes and jowls (sometimes called jowls) are usually the most obvious signs of aging. Using radio waves, Remodel causes micro-vibrations within the skin tissue to stimulate fibroblast cells which then produce new collagen and elastin, creating stronger, firmer dermal tissue. This leads to a subtle lifting and tightening of the skin which can greatly improve the loss of firmness.

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2. Rebright | Vene i pigmentacija

Kao što svi znamo, starenje kože ne odnosi se samo na linije i bore koje nastajemo kako starimo, već i na primjetnu promjenu boje naše kože uzrokovanu raznim čimbenicima, kao što su oštećenja od sunca (stvara pigmentacije/mjege od sunca), vaskularne izbijanja i područja crvenilo (većina ljudi to dobije oko nosa/obraza kako stare), prehrana, zdravlje i tako dalje. Tehnologija Rebright selektivno zagrijava i uništava te kromofore kako bi pružila besprijekoran izgled "poput zračnog brušenja".

Resurface je prva i najmoćnija tehnologija od 3 korištene tehnologije. Ciljajući na dermis (drugi sloj kože), Resurface uzrokuje dramatičnu obnovu kože i retekstuira površinu kože. To pomaže u izravnavanju svih neravnina, što dovodi do 'svilenkasto' meke teksture kože. Osim obnavljanja kože, Resurface će pomoći u polaganju kolagenih vlakana kako bi se dramatično smanjile čak i statične linije i bore, duboki ožiljci od akni i strije.

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3. Prepravite | Zatezanje i podizanje

Gravitacija s vremenom ima izrazito štetan učinak na vašu kožu. Gubitak čvrstoće i opuštenost oko očiju i čeljusti (ponekad se nazivaju i čeljusti) obično su najočitiji znakovi starenja. Koristeći radio valove, Remodel uzrokuje mikrovibracije unutar kožnog tkiva kako bi stimulirale stanice fibroblasta koje zatim proizvode novi kolagen i elastin, stvarajući jače, čvršće dermalno tkivo. To dovodi do suptilnog podizanja i zatezanja kože što može uvelike poboljšati gubitak čvrstoće.


Procedure time - 30-60 minutes

Price of 3Juve IPL treatment - from £200

Number of sessions

1-6 treatments

Duration of results
Approximately 3 to 6 months for most clients

Immediately after the treatment
The skin may appear slightly to very red depending on whether the entire area or a small area is being treated. You will feel sunburned which is normal and will subside within 48 hours. There may be some slight swelling which is also normal and will subside.

A standstill
0 to 10 days. This includes darkening of pigmentation and can create mild scabbing/dryness. Bruising may occur when treating vascular lesions or rosacea, but resolves within a few days. Darkening of the blood vessels may also occur, which improves after 1-2 weeks.

Back to work
The same day if you are comfortable with a break from work after the treatment. A tinted SPF can be applied.

Time frame for results
Generally, you will see an improvement after the first IPL session, however, the full results will depend on your skin concerns and will be advised by your doctor during your consultation.

3 Concerned face. 3 Technologies.

All 3JUVE® treatments begin with an advanced consultation to determine your specific goals, which means the powerful combination of technologies can be completely tailored to your skin to give you the results you really want! Our most defining feature is our face. It is unique for each of our clients; which is why we are happy to be able to provide such terrain-
breaking treatment. 3JUVE® uses three independent skin rejuvenating technologies, in combination, to help treat the three most common signs of aging.

1. Resurface Fractional Laser = fine lines and wrinkles

2. Rebright 585 IPL = vein and sun damage

3. Remodel RF = eye and jaw lift

30 minutes FREE


Remodel £200 -£250

Rebright £150 -£250

Resurface £400 -£750


R1 = £1000 - £1500

R2 = £1650 - £3000

R3 = £2250 - £3750

Treatment costs can be reduced for maintenance treatments Maintenance Treatments •It is important that all clients understand the importance of regular maintenance treatments •Follow-up appointments should be arranged at the end of the course •Gives you the opportunity to take 'after' photos and discuss maintenance treatments

Regime 1 - worth £930 £699
Regime 2 - worth £1485 £999
Regime 3 - worth £1815 £1350
Regime 1 - worth £1163 £874
Regime 2 - worth £1857 £1249
Regime 3 - worth £2269 £1688
Regime 1 - worth £1302 £979
Regime 2 - worth £2079 £1399
Regime 3 - worth £2541 £1890
Regime 1 - worth £1395 £1049
Regime 2 - worth £2228 £1499
Regime 3 - worth £2723 £2025
Regime 1 - worth £372 £280
Regime 2 - worth £594 £400
Regime 3 - worth £726 £540
Regime 1 - worth £196 £140
Regime 2 - worth £297 £200
Regime 3 - worth £363 £270

Consultation guide for your skin care
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